
Lisp , SDS and DRX / IRX

Lisp , SDS and DRX / IRX

AutoLISP support (including .DCL)

CMS IntelliCAD® preserves your investment in existing custom applications by supporting the LISP programming language. You can run LISP applications that reference any of the hundreds of AutoCAD® software commands with little or no modification. What's more, IntelliCAD® reads DCL files that contain dialog control language statements.
In addition, you can run many ADS programs originally written for use with AutoCAD after first recompiling them using the IntelliCAD run-time libraries. Many AutoCAD third-party programs are compatible with IntelliCAD.

"I find IntelliCAD® to be a very impressive CAD engine. The compatibility with our existing AutoCAD® software 12 DOS Drawings and LISP created over the years is an absolute plus."

Autodesk Development System (ADS) support

To run your custom Autodesk® Development System (ADS) applications in IntelliCAD®, simply recompile them using the API libraries that can be found at the downloads section of this web site. That's all it takes. Prominent third-party developers are recompiling their popular ADS and C++ applications to run with IntelliCAD®, too.

"IntelliCAD® supports ADS very well. Several developers have reported being able to port their applications successfully to IntelliCAD® with just a simple recompile." — Evan Yares, Byte Magazine, February 1998.

In IntelliCAD, you can run many programs originally created for use with AutoCAD. Specifically, you can use programs written entirely in AutoLISP with no or minor modification.

Microsoft VBA 7.1 (64-Bit) development environment

Microsoft VBA 7.1 (64-Bit) development environment

CMS IntelliCAD® 8.2 PE & PE+ includes a full implementation of Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Edition (VBA), a development environment that simplifies the creation and execution of custom applications.

IntelliCAD can be customized using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and Visual Tools for Applications (VSTA soon available) through an integrated interface, available from the IntelliCAD Tools menu. IntelliCAD features a broad range of objects, giving you the power to write your own custom applications that can run within IntelliCAD.

Microsoft .NET 4.5

Microsoft .NET 4.5

Using .NET applications

CMS IntelliCAD supports the .NET 4.5 programming language through.NET Classic that more closely matches the .NET interface used by AutoCAD.

The .NET Framework is a development platform for building apps. It consists of the common language runtime (CLR) and the .NET Framework class library, which includes classes, interfaces, and value types that support an extensive range of technologies. The .NET Framework provides a managed execution environment, simplified development and deployment, and integration with a variety of programming languages - source Microsoft. [Get Microsoft Visual Studio]. [.Net Framework information on Wikipedia]